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save files

1 dexterek91

Where I can find save files?

16.07.2024 11:41

2 apfelsino

In the directory "spielstand" (or "savegames" in english version).

16.07.2024 12:11

3 dexterek91

I cant see my save files

17.07.2024 11:23

4 apfelsino

Try to search for "game_0.fun" (it's the autosave file).

17.07.2024 11:29

6 apfelsino

If you find bugs you can write them here in the forum lächel

17.07.2024 14:46

7 dexterek91

I dont know it is bug or no, best scout Ulrich Bucher find players which can have max 2 stars, I think he must be 4 or 5 stars

17.07.2024 14:55

8 dexterek91

German version works good, it possible to fix Polish version?

17.07.2024 14:56

9 dexterek91

On scouting player has god of football and when I bought him this skill disappear

17.07.2024 14:57

10 dexterek91

any programs which translate? I dont understand German

17.07.2024 15:16

12 dexterek91

but on the game automatically

17.07.2024 16:07

13 dexterek91

training center only twice a season? then how delete red characters

17.07.2024 16:16

14 apfelsino

That's not possible. It is only possible to edit the *.cfg files (in "config") using a text editor and translate it.

17.07.2024 16:18

15 apfelsino

Zitat von dexterek91
training center only twice a season? then how delete red characters
You can try to bench tired players.

17.07.2024 16:19

16 dexterek91

pity the only two times, I thought it was 2 times before match

17.07.2024 19:31

17 dexterek91

sometimes its not possible to save game, where is Verwaltung

17.07.2024 23:02

18 dexterek91

I lost good player because it was not possible to save game

17.07.2024 23:30

19 dexterek91

when want load last save then back to desktop

20.07.2024 16:51

20 apfelsino

That's sounds not good. I thought the polish version is not compatible with the patches from the german edition. At the moment I don't know why, sorry traurig

26.07.2024 20:11

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